Tuesday, May 19, 2015

IMVU (Sounds like I envy you)

IMVU (Sounds like I envy you)

IMVU is a virtual world game. It was founded in the year 2004 in California. It involves virtual chat rooms, games, avatar creating, and more. IMVU is a game where anything can happen if you use your imagination. The limits are endless when it comes to creating things. 

IMVU stands for Instant Message Virtual Universe. I began playing IMVU around the year 2008. I was astonished. In this game, I could buy any piece of clothing I wanted, I could go to chat rooms that were created purely out of people's imagination. There are places like castles' forests, clubs, apartments, you name it. I've met so many different people and seen so many different avatars on this game. This picture is of an avatar I created myself. I love this game because the 3D rendering makes my avatar look so realistic and I find her quite beautiful. IMVU is not only a place for chat rooms, it is also a good place for fashion. Any thing that is in style right now, you can find on IMVU. I'm talking high-waist shorts, long hairstyles, nails, shoes, sneakers, and beautiful tops and dresses. You can make your avatar look like anything you want, but I warn you, it isn't free. This game is addicting and I don't think I'll ever find anything like it. 

In conclusion, IMVU is a virtual instant messaging universe. The graphics in the game are excellent, especially if you know what to buy. You can be anything you want, as long as you have an imagination. 


  1. I must say, this virtual game is very cool. I also love the fact that you get to create your own characters.

  2. Very interesting. I might try this virtual game.

  3. I love it! I been on since 2008 for a short time and came back in 2013. I've met great people and not so great and I'm not convinced that they care if the reports are true or not, but that it's all about how much money you spend in their report "Investigations" but that being said I have made several rooms including my public underground Dance hall/ Bar/ lounge/ Heavy metal concert hall built in a tomb and I love the working TV's and music players LOL.

    To to conclude I love the site, and for 10$ here and there you can buy quite allot, the trick is just buy stuff you don't mind using over and over again in any room you buy and you can spend more on your Avatar and new rooms, cars anything else you want and not spend to much on furniture to match every room you make because what you already have fits your style and makes sense what ever you do. I for one am glad I came back even if I don't like the operators of it all the time.

    That being said they did once try telling me I had 15 warnings on me when I knew I only had 4. Yes I admit I did mess with some one but they rightly deserved it but after I gave them all kinds of hell and let them know it was only that many, they did another "investigation" and changed it to 4 previous reports and then blocked me from their profiles so I can't bitch them out anymore. Haven't heard from them sense anyway.
